Every couple should strongly consider getting a prenuptial agreement. Although you likely dream of growing old together now, no marriage is bulletproof. Life has a way of surprising people. Spouses that seemed perfect for each other can drift apart over the years. A stressful event beyond your control could later come between you. Hard times can create stress and conflict among the most perfectly matched couples. In some traditions, brides and grooms promise to uphold their vows “so long as the love between them shall last,” rather than “until death do they part.” Many would argue that the former is a bit more practical. A prenuptial agreement is a good way of reducing uncertainty and stress in the event that your marriage does not last forever. It is important to consult an Illinois family law attorney when drafting a prenuptial agreement.
Getting a prenuptial agreement offers quite a few benefits and very few drawbacks. Couples who choose not to get a prenuptial agreement often say that the idea feels unromantic and may even suggest that the couple is planning for divorce. However, there are better ways of looking at it. You are probably not planning to cause a car accident, but you likely carry insurance just in case you do. Making a prenuptial agreement is more like buying an insurance policy than making a plan to get divorced.
However, if you do get divorced, your prenuptial agreement can be invaluable. Getting divorced with a strong prenuptial agreement in place is often a fairly simple process. Your prenuptial agreement will likely control things like whether anyone receives alimony and how your property should be divided. It is important to note that issues concerning children cannot be controlled by a prenuptial agreement and must be decided at the time of divorce.
Finally, making a prenuptial agreement can help make you and your fiance a stronger couple. You will need to show good communication skills and a willingness to compromise in order to successfully draft a prenuptial agreement you can both agree to. Creating a prenuptial agreement may actually be a positive sign for your marriage, but it is likely worth having even if you never divorce. You can also use your prenuptial agreement to handle some estate planning issues if your marriage does last forever.
[[title]], is committed to helping soon-to-be spouses develop prenuptial agreements. As a highly experienced Batavia prenuptial agreements attorney, Mr. Larson will strive to create the perfect agreement for you. Contact us at 630-879-9090 for a complimentary consultation.
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